I Old Frame League Madrid – Day 1

It’s unbelievable to see the way the MTG Old Frame format is expanding all over the world. And one of the greater news we received on the topic in the past few months was the inaugural edition of the Old Frame Madrid League, held at the Metropolis store in Madrid, Spain, on February 6, 2022.

This was the first Old Frame tournament we are aware of that was not organised by ourselves, and that is just a delight. See that other people and entities share our love for the old framed Magic the Gathering cards is very special.

Raúl Torres (left) vs Alfonso Utrilla (right).

A total eight players took part in the tournament and five rounds later it was Alfonso Utrilla who took the first place with 13 points over the 10 points of Raúl Torres.

The real life Mox Ruby for the winner.

A physical recreation of the Mox Ruby was given to the winner, as can be seen in the picture above. Very appropriate choice considering his deck played almost exclusively that colour.

Table for the I Old Frame Madrid League

SlighAlfonso Utrilla1
KeeperRaúl Torres2
TPSDiego Obregón3
Hulk SmashDavid Aparicio4
Numa Pereda5
Juanca Paredes6
José Tirado7
Juan Arpón Lafuente8

I Old Frame Madrid League Decks

Sligh – Winner – Alfonso Utrilla

Sligh - Winner - Alfonso Utrilla.

Keeper – Second Place – Raúl Torres

Keeper - Finalist - Raúl Torres.

The Perfect Storm – Third Place – Diego Obregón

TPS - Third Place - Diego Obregón.

Hulk Smash – Fourth Place – David Aparicio

Hulk Smash - Fourth Place  - David Aparicio.