Fourth MTG Old Frame League
After three super successful editions of the MTG Old Frame League in a 2020 that was all but a success in pretty much any other areas, we started the year strong with a new championship. The Fourth MTG Old Frame League whose final was played in February.
Felipe Guzman, who had previously reached the semi-finals on the first edition, was crowned champion this time around, on a beautiful best-of-five final against the founder of MTG Old Frame, Vedast Sanxis, who reached the final round for the first time.
Luckily, this time we have proof of the event in the shape of this Youtube video where we see the always devastating power of Tendrils of Agony as a finisher.
The restriction for the first time in the league of Merchant Scroll saw the meta open and the standings after the round robin were extremely tight.
Previous winners Karl Akbari and John Longo completed the Top 4.
MTG Old Frame League Decks
As we mentioned, the meta seemed to open up with the added restriction and TNT made its first appearance played both by Vedast Sanxis and Jared Doucette. Fish was also played for the first time, by Fabio Zanasi. These last two players barely missed the Top 4.
We had fresh blood thanks to Attilio Bragantini and his Stax and spicy decks thanks to the Underworld Dreams Draw-7 deck that Frederique Lafoux played with.
Finally, beauty was brought by Raymond Mitchel and his Stompy deck, full of Richard Garfield signatures.
Who will be the next winner? Make sure to check the About Us page for more information on how to join us and give it your best to make next League your league!